Discovering Humility

It is undeniable that we are living in a very contentious time. Criticism and comparison seem to have invaded almost every aspect of life. Harsh words have become the norm. The need to be right has superseded human decency. Hatred and intolerance are destroying neighborhoods and nations. The cause of all these troubles can be summed up in one word: pride.

We have long been warned just how destructive pride can be. Sadly, we are seeing many of its devastating effects today. Gratefully we have been taught how to counteract pride. Humility is the antidote to pride. Perhaps there has never been a greater need for humility than there is right now!

Some assume humility a weakness. How wrong that assumption is! It is a needed Christlike attribute we have been encouraged to acquire.

When we are humble, we trust in God and in His timing. We look to the Savior in every thought. We turn to Them to help us through every aspect of life, especially life’s adversities. When we are humble, we feel peace, we have hope, and we exhibit charity.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, “We don’t discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves.”1

When we think less about ourselves, we naturally will think about others more. When we are humble, we can celebrate the successes, accomplishments, and happiness of others, even when we are experiencing temporary failures or sorrows.

Humility is submissive, meek, kind, and charitable. Pride is controlling, aggressive, combative and selfish.

When we are humble, we seek forgiveness for those things we do wrong, we forgive those who have wronged us, and we overlook the mortal imperfections in others.  When we are filled with pride, we hold grudges and point out the mistakes and weaknesses of others.

When we have humility, we are teachable. When we are full of pride, we think we know it all.

When we are humble, during the challenges and trials of life, we still recognize Heavenly Father’s goodness and the many blessings we receive from Him.

It is impossible to be grateful if we are not humble. And we can never truly be humble if we are not grateful.

In Alma 5:27 and 28, there are two powerful questions posed, ones we would be wise to ask ourselves frequently. “Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble?” And, “are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not ye are not prepared to meet God.”2

We cannot be sufficiently humble until we are stripped of pride. And that will not be possible without continual help from God. We truly need Him every hour of every day. As our loving Heavenly Father, He is anxious to bless us in our efforts to discover the Christlike attribute of humility.


1.  Pride and the Priesthood – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

2.  Alma 5