Becoming More Christlike

President Russell M. Nelson recently issued a very personal invitation to the women of the Church to “study prayerfully section 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants and discover what the Holy Ghost will teach you. Your personal spiritual endeavor will bring you joy as you gain, understand, and use the power with which you have been endowed.  Part of this endeavor will require you to put aside many things of this world. Sometimes we speak almost casually about walking away from the world with its contention, pervasive temptations, and false philosophies. But truly doing so requires you to examine your life meticulously and regularly. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is no longer needful, what is no longer worthy of your time and energy.”1

Reading this section while studying October’s doctrinal topic of becoming more Christlike was very enlightening.  I made a list of several words and phrases from it that perfectly define characteristics of the Savior or things I can do to become more like Him. That list includes being faithful; walking in the paths of virtue; not murmuring ; being a comfort with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness; expounding scriptures; spending more time learning the gospel; not being fearful; laying aside the things of this world, and seeking for the things of a better; being meek; and keeping the commandments continuously.  Acquiring and refining these Christlike attributes will bless me as I “put aside many things of this world”1 and pursue the “personal spiritual endeavor”1 that our prophet has asked us all to undertake. 

Keep those words and phrases in mind as we contemplate the admonition found in the Book of Mormon to “be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive. And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works.”2

Once again, the words higher and holier keep coming to my mind.  And it is undeniable that striving to become like the Savior is striving to live in a higher and holier way.  President Nelson reminds us that “Jesus … taught, ‘Be ye holy; for I am holy.’ His hope for us is crystal clear! He declared: ‘What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.’ Thus, our adoration of Jesus is best expressed by our emulation of Jesus.  People have never failed to follow Jesus because his standards were imprecise or insufficiently high. Quite to the contrary. Some have disregarded his teachings because they were viewed as being too precise or impractically high! Yet such lofty standards, when earnestly pursued, produce great inner peace and incomparable joy.”3

The words even as I am may seem quite daunting.  However, we can be assured that if our actions and our reactions are aligned with the Savior’s, we will have great inner peace and incomparable joy.  In every situation, He is our perfect example.  President Nelson said, “As our great Exemplar, Jesus taught us how to live, to love, and to learn. He taught us how to pray, to forgive, and endure to the end. He taught us how to care about others more than we care about ourselves. He taught us about mercy and kindness—making real changes in our lives through His power. He taught us how to find peace of heart and mind.”4

Take a moment to think of the times in your life when you have sincerely tried to be even as the Savior is.  Especially during some difficult times in my life, being taught by His example has helped me to know how do things and given me strength to endure things I could never have done on my own.

The Christlike attributes each of us needs to work on will be different.  However, I would like to share five specific aspects of the Savior’s life President Nelson once suggested we all should strive to emulate.  They are love, ordinances, prayer, knowledge and enduring to the end.  As we discuss each of these, ponder on how developing or improving on these specific areas can help you live in a higher and holier way. 

Love – The expression of the Savior’s love includes “compassion, kindness, charity, devotion, forgiveness, mercy, justice, and more. … Another expression of our Savior’s love was his service. … All loving relationships are elevated in him. Love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ provides the illumination, inspiration, and motivation to love others in a loftier way.”5   Last year the prophet taught, “With the Savior’s help, we can learn to love as He loved. It may require a change of heart—most certainly a softening of our hearts—as we are tutored by the Savior how to really take care of each other.”6  As we follow His example, we will love in a higher and holier way. 

Ordinances – “A second aspect of the Savior’s exemplary life was his emphasis upon sacred ordinances. During his mortal ministry he demonstrated the importance of the ordinances of salvation. He was baptized by John in the Jordan River. … Later the Lord instituted the ordinance of the sacrament and linked it to that of baptism. … During the Lord’s postmortal ministry, the higher ordinances of exaltation have been revealed. He has provided for these ordinances in his holy temples. … His focus on ordinances is a powerful part of his example to us. … Ordinances provide a focus for service of eternal worth.”5  Earlier this year, the prophet said, “The Savior invites all to follow Him into the waters of baptism and, in time, to make additional covenants with God in the temple and receive and be faithful to those further essential ordinances.”7  As we follow His example, we will partake of the sacrament and participate in the ordinances of the temple in a higher and holier way.

Prayer – “Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven and also taught us how to pray. … The Savior’s example of prayer reminds us that personal prayer, family prayer, and prayerful pursuit of our assignment in the Church should become part of our lives. To know and to do the will of the Father provides great spiritual strength and confidence. To be on the Lord’s side is where we want to be.”5  President Nelson shares the Savior’s ultimate example, “Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world—He who ransomed us with His blood—is our Redeemer and our Exemplar. At the close of His mortal mission, He prayed that His will—as the Beloved Son—might be swallowed up in the will of the Father. In that crucial hour the Savior cried, ‘Father, … not as I will, but as thou wilt.’ So we should pray to God, ‘Thy will be done.’”8   As we follow His example, our time in prayer will be holier.

Knowledge – “A fourth aspect of the Lord’s example is the use of his divine knowledge. … Many non-Christians acknowledge that Jesus was a great teacher. Indeed, he was. But what truly distinguished his teaching? … He taught truths of eternal significance. Only he could have revealed our purpose in life. Only through him could we learn of our premortal existence and of our postmortal potential. … Knowledge ‘of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be’ allows us to act upon true principles and doctrine. That knowledge will lift our level of behavior.”5  Because the Savior taught us truths of eternal significance, and because we know we are children of God, our behavior should be higher and holier.

Endure to the End – “A fifth aspect of the Lord’s ministry … is his commitment to endure to the end. Never did he withdraw from his assignment. Though he experienced suffering beyond our comprehension, he was not a quitter. Through deepening trials he endured to the end of his assignment: to atone for the sins of all humankind. His final words as he hung from the cross were, ‘It is finished.’”5 Do we allow the Savior’s example to endure to strengthen our own commitment to endure to the end?  In the many ways we can follow His example to endure, this one President Nelson included resonated with me, “It means that we will never, no never, give up on a loved one who has strayed. And it means that we will always cherish our eternal family relationships, even through difficult days of disease, disability, or death.”5  Do we truly comprehend the eternal importance of the Savior’s enduring to the end?  President Nelson puts it into perspective. “What if Jesus had wavered in His commitment to do His Father’s will? His Atonement would not have been accomplished. The dead would not be resurrected. The blessings of immortality and eternal life would not be. But Jesus did endure. During His final hour, Jesus prayed to His Father, saying, ‘I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.’”9  Enduring to the end as the Savior did is our ultimate test of living and loving in a higher and holier way.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.10  Because of His perfect example, we know what we need to do to return to live with our Heavenly Father again.  As we strive daily to pursue the incredible charge to become even as He is, a consistent and constant study of His life and teachings will be necessary.  President Nelson has taught, “Our busy lives force us to focus on things we do from day to day.  But the development of character comes only as we focus on who we really are. … When we feast upon the words of Christ, they … become an integral part of our nature.”11 

Some of my favorite words of Christ are found in Moroni 7, “Cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him. Wherefore, … pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons (and daughters) of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure.”12

Allowing the words of Christ to become an integral part of our nature will help us on our personal spiritual endeavor to become more like the Savior.  Our attitudes and actions will be higher and holier.  Then when He shall appear, we will recognize Him because we will be even as He is.


  1. Spiritual Treasures – Russell M. Nelson
  2. Alma 7:23-24
  3. Perfection Pending – Russell M. Nelson
  4. Jesus the Christ —Our Prince of Peace – Russell M. Nelson
  5. Gratitude for the Mission and Ministry of Jesus Christ – Russell M. Nelson
  6. Four Gifts That Jesus Offers to You – Russell M. Nelson
  7. “Come, Follow Me” – Russell M. Nelson
  8. Lessons From the Lord’s Prayer – Russell M. Nelson
  9. Endure and Be Lifted Up – Russell M. Nelson
  10. John 14:6
  11. Living By Scriptural Guidance– Russell M. Nelson
  12. Moroni 7:46-48


September’s doctrinal topic was commandments.
 “Commandments are the laws and requirements that a loving Heavenly Father
gives His children to bless them, protect them, and guide them back to Him.
When we keep the commandments, we show our love for Heavenly Father and His
Son, Jesus Christ. As we obey the commandments and continually repent, we
become more like the Savior and we are blessed with happiness, peace,
testimony, and the companionship of the Holy Ghost.”1  As I have studied what President Nelson has
taught us about commandments, I thought about his gentle reminder to “do better
and be better.”2   I also could hear his plea for us to do
things in a higher and holier way.  Imagine the great blessings that can
be ours if we keep God’s commandments in a holier and higher way.  How
blessed we are to have a prophet who is encouraging us to be more faithful and
faith-filled.  His loving counsel is to be more obedient to God’s
commands, continuously improving our lives to qualify for the companionship of
the Holy Ghost, and ultimately qualifying us to return home to our Father in

Russell M. Nelson once said, “The ultimate objective in our mortal journey has
been revealed by our Creator, who said, ‘If you keep my commandments and endure
to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the
gifts of God.’ … When we covenant to follow the Lord and obey His commandments,
we accept His standards in every thought, action, and deed. Living the Lord’s
standards requires that we cultivate the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift
helps us understand doctrine and apply it personally.”3 

Think for a moment about some of the words used in that
quote—commandments, covenant, standards, doctrine.  Each of these words
describes what our loving Heavenly Father has given us because He loves us and
wants us to return home to Him.  He has given us the Holy Ghost to teach
us, to guide us and to warn us.  He has also given us a living prophet to
help us on our journey.

President Nelson once said, “Know and obey the relevant teachings of the Lord.
Some of His timeless truths are applicable generally, such as the commandments
not to steal, not to kill, and not to bear false witness. Other teachings or
commandments are also general, such as those regarding the Sabbath, the
sacrament, baptism, and confirmation.  Some revelations have been given
for unique circumstances, such as Noah’s building of the ark or the necessity
for prophets like Moses, Lehi, and Brigham to lead their followers in arduous
travel. God’s long-established pattern of teaching His children through
prophets assures us that He will bless each prophet and that He will bless
those who heed prophetic counsel.”4 

Consider the prophetic counsel President Nelson gave us in the general
conference he was sustained as our prophet, and which has been repeated quite
often, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without
the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
 He then pleaded with us to “increase your spiritual capacity. … Choose to
do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the
voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”5  That spiritual work includes keeping
commandments, honoring covenants, living God’s standards, and knowing His

And as surely as we try to do the necessary spiritual work, the adversary will
try to discourage us. President Nelson taught, “Because the evil one is ever at
work, our vigilance cannot be relaxed—not even for a moment. A small and
seemingly innocent invitation can turn into a tall temptation which can lead to
tragic transgression. Night and day, at home or away, we must shun sin and
‘hold fast that which is good.’”6

Think of some of the other prophetic counsel we have been given over the last
few years.  We have been warned that there will be much discontent in the
world.  We have been encouraged to take a personal inventory to determine
where we can make improvements to safeguard against the evils of our day.
 We are being encouraged to make our study time and our worship time more
of a priority.  It seemed to me that much of our recent general conference
was a reminder to make the Savior the center of our lives.

President Nelson spoke to us of personal temple worthiness, which of course
includes obedience to God’s commandments, reading the temple recommend
questions, which “have recently been edited for clarity.”  He said, “Each
temple is a holy place; each temple patron strives to become more holy. … All
requirements to enter the temple relate to personal holiness. Individual
worthiness requires a total conversion of mind and heart to be more like the
Lord, to be an honest citizen, to be a better example, and to be a holier
person.  I testify that such preparatory work brings innumerable blessings
in this life and inconceivable blessings for the life to come.”7  Some of the sweetest interviews I have had
have been with my bishop or a stake presidency member to renew my temple
recommend.  What an incredible experience it is to vocalize my commitment
to follow God’s commands and to give an accounting of my actions.  We know
that at some future time we will likewise give an accounting, for one day “each
of us will stand to be judged of Him according to our works and the desires of
our hearts.”8       

President Nelson once shared, “When the Prophet Joseph Smith
faced death, he said, ‘I am going like a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm
as a summer’s morning; I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and
towards all men.’  Now is the time to prepare for your own ultimate
interview. You might ask yourself: ‘Do I pay tithing with a willing heart? Do I
obey the Word of Wisdom? Is my language free from obscenities and swearing? Am
I morally righteous? Am I truly grateful for the Atonement that makes my
resurrection a reality and eternal life a possibility? Do I honor temple
covenants that seal loved ones to me forever?’”9 

Alma 34:32 teaches us that “this life is the time for men to
prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to
perform their labors.”10   President Nelson said that “our sojourn in
mortality is a period of probation, a time of trial and testing to see if we
will do whatever the Lord commands us to do.”  He encouraged us to “keep
all the commandments of God, knowing that they are given to bless His children
and bring them joy.”  And he warned that we “will encounter people who
pick which commandments they will keep and ignore others that they choose to
break. I call this the cafeteria approach to obedience. This practice of
picking and choosing will not work. It will lead to misery. To prepare to meet
God, one keeps all of His commandments. It takes faith to obey them, and
keeping His commandments will strengthen that faith.”  I love what he says
next! “Obedience allows God’s blessings to flow without constraint.”11

Whenever we do what our Heavenly Father asks us to do, He blesses us!  In
the second chapter of Mosiah, King Benjamin reminds his people over and over to
keep the commandments.  He teaches them that the Lord “has promised that
if you would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never
doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his
commandments he doth bless you and prosper you. … He doth require that ye
should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately
bless you.”12  King Benjamin ends his preaching with these
beautiful words, “And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the
blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.  For
behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if
they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby
they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.  O remember,
remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.”13 

President Nelson has reminded us, “Spiritual truth cannot be ignored—especially
divine commandments. Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time!
Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!”14 

In a world that has lost its moral bearings, we need to be
examples of morality.  Keeping God’s commandments, honoring covenants,
living His standards and knowing His doctrine will provide us incredible moral
strength.  Specifically to the women of the Church, the prophet recently
said, “From the dawning of time, women have been blessed with a unique moral
compass—the ability to distinguish right from wrong. This gift is enhanced in
those who make and keep covenants. And it diminishes in those who willfully
ignore the commandments of God.  I hasten to add that I do not absolve men
in any way from God’s requirement for them also to distinguish between right
and wrong. But my dear sisters, your ability to discern truth from error, to be
society’s guardians of morality, is crucial in these latter days. And we depend
upon you to teach others to do likewise. Let me be very clear about this: if
the world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will never

May we each take a moment to evaluate our lives and find
places where we can do better and be better. As we make a more concerted effort
to keep the commandments of God, I know we will be blessed!   Even those
commandments we feel we are keeping well, I pray we can live in a higher and holier


  1.  Commandments – Come, Follow Me-For Young Women

  2.  We Can Do Better and Be Better – Russell M. Nelson

  3.  Living By Scriptural Guidance – Russell M. Nelson

  4.  Ask, Seek, Knock – Russell M. Nelson

  5.  Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives –
Russell M. Nelson

  6.  Set in Order Thy House – Russell M. Nelson

  7.  Closing Remarks – Russell M. Nelson

  8.  The Living Christ

  9.  Personal Priesthood Responsibility – Russell M. Nelson

10.  Alma 34:32

11.  Face the Future With Faith – Russell M. Nelson

12.  Mosiah 2:22, 24

13.  Mosiah 2:41

14.  Let Your Faith Show – Russell M. Nelson

15.  Spiritual Treasures – Russell M. Nelson

Marriage & Family

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints firmly we know that “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.”1  As I have studied Russell M. Nelson’s words concerning the doctrine of marriage and family, which was August’s doctrinal topic, I am grateful for his wise counsel and his prophetic teachings.  

President Nelson once said, “Marriage is protected by an absolute commitment to make it successful.”2  In his first BYU Devotional address in 1974 his example of an absolute commitment to his marriage and family is clear.  He said, “I cannot seek the kingdom of God without loving and honoring first that family he has given to me. I cannot honor that family without loving and caring first for my wife! I love her. She is my highest priority, and our eternal marriage in the temple is our highest commitment. We love our children and their children born and yet unborn. This love we are building in the sanctuary of our home. Here is where we have learned the power of love, and I testify that it is a real, dynamic, all-encompassing power!”3 

He has also referred to “the home [as] the great laboratory of love.”4  One daughter said that when her father was at home, he was 100% at home. His wife and children knew they were loved! What a wonderful example President Nelson is of one who is a loving, committed husband and father!

Here are a few things he has taught over the years that we can do to be more loving and committed in our family relationships:

“Family life will provide your most enduring rewards. As partners, you and your spouse will work together to achieve mutual goals and enjoy the fruits of your labors. … There is great power in a strong partnership. True partners can achieve more than the sum of each acting alone. With true partners, one plus one is much more than two.  In marriage, a husband and wife can form the most significant partnership of all—an eternal family. … Great partners are completely loyal. They suppress personal ego in exchange for being part of creating something larger than themselves. Great partnerships are dependent upon each individual developing his or her own personal attributes of character.”5 

“Our Heavenly Father wants husbands and wives to be faithful to each other and to esteem and treat their children as an heritage from the Lord.  In such a family we study the scriptures and pray together. And we fix our focus on the temple. There we receive the highest blessings that God has in store for His faithful children.”6 

“Marriage—especially temple marriage—and family ties involve covenant relationships. They cannot be regarded casually. With divorce rates escalating throughout the world today, it is apparent that many spouses are failing to endure to the end of their commitments to each other. And some temple marriages fail because a husband forgets that his highest and most important priesthood duty is to honor and sustain his wife. The best thing that a father can do for his children is to ‘love their mother.’”7 

During one particular stake conference, President Nelson reminded the women of the power they have to make a substantial difference in their husbands’ lives. One of the things he told them was, “A man’s perception of his own worth can be shaped by his wife’s attitude.” Another was, “With the help of the Lord and a supportive wife, a man can do infinitely more than he could ever do without that support.” To the men, he counseled, “Your highest priesthood duty is to care for your wife. That is an eternal charge entrusted to you. …The best thing you can do for your children is to love and care for their mother. Let that love show. … Help her to achieve the full measure of her creation. Help her to realize her divine destiny—with you!”8 

“You and your companion should resolve never, never to make uncomplimentary comments about one another to anyone at anytime. Good habit patterns are best established during your courtship. Never stoop to demeaning words that hurt. Together, resolve now to make of your home a place of prayer. Make it a sanctuary of faith where servants of the Lord are always welcome and where scriptures are read and discussed together. You will both want to grow in true spiritual symmetry.”9 

Last year he once again asked us to transform our homes into sanctuaries of faith. He promised if we would “diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, … the influence of the adversary in your life and in your home will decrease.”10 

In a recent Instagram post President Nelson said, “Our families are meant to help us in our individual efforts to become more like Jesus Christ. Thanks to God’s great plan of happiness, families can stay together forever. Exaltation is a family affair!”11

Just as he has taught us the importance of making our marriage and family a priority, President Nelson has also reminded us of our responsibility to defend this doctrine. Here are a few of his proclamations defending the doctrine of marriage and family. They are powerful!

“Marriage and family are ordained of God. The family is the most important social unit in time and in eternity. Under God’s great plan of happiness, families can be sealed in temples and be prepared to return to dwell in His holy presence forever. That is eternal life! It fulfills the deepest longings of the human soul—the natural yearning for endless association with beloved members of one’s family.”12 

“There is spiritual safety in the circle of the family—the basic unit of society.  The family is a sacred institution.  The gospel was restored to the earth and the Church exists to exalt the family.  The earth was created that each premortal spirit child of God might have this mortal experience, gain a physical body, choose a companion, form a family, and have that family sealed eternally in a temple of the Lord.  If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted.  Scriptures stress that doctrine time and time again.”13 

In an address given at the 2009 World Congress of Families V, President Nelson declared, “Nothing, absolutely nothing, compares with the companionship between a husband and a wife. And nothing, absolutely nothing, can provide the joy and growth that come from happy children who make a family circle. Throughout my life, I have answered to many titles, including doctor, captain, professor, and elder. But the titles I revere most are those of husband, father, and grandfather.

“On all sides, the family is under attack. Many wonder if the institution is no longer needed. Our response is certain. If there is any hope for the future of nations, that hope resides in the family. Our children are our wealth; our children are our strength; our children are indeed our future!
“In the past 50 years, the birthrate has dropped in nearly every nation of the world. … What would happen to the future of nations if the next generation failed to appear in significant numbers? The answer is alarming! Yes, we would be poorer economically, but even poorer spiritually.

“Spiritual concerns are of great importance. Spiritually, we need children as much as they need us. They are our spiritual wealth. Children teach us the joy of building goodness that will outlive our own. They teach us the joy of loving someone more than self. That love lifts one to give from the abundance of one’s own life to help a child. …

“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do! Without a new generation to replace the old, there is no wealth; without families, there is no future.”14

His boldness in defending the family is extraordinary. He has encouraged such boldness in us as members of the Church. “In the Church, we stress the significance of marriage, children, and the family because we know the doctrine. And we … know that the adversary incessantly aims attacks at the family.  In the past fifty years the birth rate has dropped in nearly every nation of the world. Marriages are being postponed until later in life, and families are getting smaller, even in the Church. Our task to defend the family is not an easy one. Trends in the world diminish the significance of the family. … In reality, we are raising our children in enemy-occupied territory. The homes of our members must become the primary sanctuaries of our faith, where each can be safe from the sins of the world. Our Master depends upon us to live according to His truth. … Marriage is ordained of God. It is doctrinally based and eternally significant.”15 

President Nelson has warned, “God’s marriage pattern cannot be abused, misunderstood, or misconstrued”16 and has given us a charge to be defenders of marriage. “You will likely encounter increasing debate about the definition of marriage. Many of your neighbors, colleagues, and friends will have never heard logical and inspired truths about the importance of marriage as God Himself defined it. You will have many opportunities to strengthen understanding of the Lord’s side of that argument by the eloquence of your examples, both as individuals and as families.”5

He has also warned that opposition will come. “Life will not be comfortable for true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. … Each of us will be put to the test. … The day is gone when you can be a quiet and comfortable Christian. Your religion is not just about showing up for church on Sunday. It is about showing up as a true disciple from Sunday morning through Saturday night—24/7! There is no such thing as a ‘part-time’ disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus invited anyone who wants to be His disciple to take up His cross and follow Him. Are you ready to join the ranks? Or will you be ashamed of the gospel? Will you be ashamed of your Lord and His plan? Will you yield to voices of those who would have you join them on the popular side of contemporary history? No! … Be courageous and proclaim God’s truth with clarity and kindness, even when His truth is politically unpopular! … Disciples of the Lord are defenders of marriage. We cannot yield. History is not our judge. A secular society is not our judge. God is our judge! For each of us, Judgment Day will be held in God’s own way and time. The future of marriage and of countless human lives will be determined by your willingness to bear solemn witness of the Lord and live according to His gospel.”5

For many of us, we never had to teach our children that God’s pattern of marriage is between a man and a woman because that was how marriage was defined everywhere. There was nothing pushing against that doctrine. But for young families now, their children will grow up with different alternatives being accepted and normalized.  It will be even more important to follow the prophet who has taught that it is “God … who ordained marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Marriage was not created by human judges or legislators. It was not created by think tanks or by popular vote or by oft-quoted bloggers or by pundits. It was not created by lobbyists. Marriage was created by God! … Social and political pressures to change marriage laws are resulting in practices contrary to God’s will regarding the eternal nature and purposes of marriage. Man simply cannot make moral what God has declared to be immoral. Sin, even if legalized by man, is still sin in the eyes of God.”5

While asking for boldness, President Nelson also counsels us to be Christlike in our actions toward others. He continues, “Undergirded by incontrovertible truth, proclaim your love for God! Proclaim your love for all human beings ‘with malice toward none, with charity for all.’ They as children of God are our brothers and sisters. We value their rights and feelings. But we cannot condone efforts to change divine doctrine. It is not for man to change. … The burden of discipleship is heavy. As disciples of the Lord you will stand as defenders of marriage. And as you are true and faithful, not only will He help you and protect you, He will bless your families.”5 

How grateful I am to belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose doctrine on the family brings me incredible peace in this life and gives me reassuring hope for the eternities. My family is the greatest blessing in my life! How grateful I am for our prophet and his marvelous example. May we follow him in living and defending the glorious doctrine of marriage and family.


  1.  The Family:  A Proclamation to the World

  2.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, page 203

  3.  Four Lessons From One Life – Russell M. Nelson

  4.  Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women – Russell M. Nelson

  5.  Disciples of Jesus Christ–Defenders of Marriage – Russell M. Nelson

  6.  Salvation and Exaltation – Russell M. Nelson

  7.  Endure and Be Lifted Up – Russell M. Nelson

  8.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, pages 199–200

  9.  Reflection and Resolution – Russell M. Nelson

10.  Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints – Russell M. Nelson

11.  Instagram Post, LDS Living Article

12.  Thanks Be To God – Russell M. Nelson

13.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, page 114

14.  The Family:  The Hope for the Future of Nations – Russell M. Nelson

15.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, pages 201-202

16.  Decisions for Eternity – Russell M. Nelson

Ordinances and Covenants

Because we live in the dispensation of the fulness of times, we have the great blessing of having the saving ordinances of the gospel available to us.  They include baptism, confirmation, the temple endowment, and the marriage sealing.  Also included for men is ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood.  True to the Faith teaches, “All the saving ordinances of the priesthood are accompanied by covenants.”1  “Ordinances and covenants help us remember who we are.  They remind us of our duty to God.  The Lord has provided them to help us come unto Him and receive eternal life.”2 

I think it is very significant that the first thing Russell M. Nelson said to the members of the Church as our new prophet was, “Keep on the covenant path.  Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere.”3

As we discuss baptism and the ordinances of the temple, think of the spiritual blessings that have come into your life as you have kept and continue to keep the covenants you have made with the Lord.

Baptism is the first essential step we make on the covenant path.  President Nelson said, “Covenants made at baptism and renewed when we partake of the sacrament fortify our courage and commitment to the truth. … With that kind of courage, we literally have nothing to fear.  We know that while we will experience incessant opposition, we are also protected by His divine promise.  This scripture is offered to each one of us:  ‘Be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy.’ (D&C 98:14)”4  

When we are baptized, we promise to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, to keep His commandments and to do His will, or in other words, to serve Him.  To have our commitment to the truth fortified as we renew our baptismal covenants by worthily and intentionally partaking of the sacrament is an incredible spiritual blessing.  When we are baptized, we also make the commitment to “stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places.”5   Can you see the spiritual blessing of having our courage fortified as we strive to fulfill that commitment?

Some of us made our baptismal covenants a long time ago.  Yet each week we are privileged to renew those sacred covenants.  Spiritual blessings are available to us as we continue to keep our baptismal covenants.  As we take the sacrament, we renew our commitment to always remember the Savior.  One powerful spiritual blessing is that the Holy Ghost will be our constant companion.  Oh how we need the Holy Ghost as we continue on the covenant path!

To continue on the covenant path, we need what President Nelson calls a heartfelt commitment to endure with the Savior.  “Baptism is an extremely important ordinance. But it is only initiatory.  The supreme benefits of membership in the Church can only be realized only through the exalting ordinances of the temple.  These blessings qualify us for ‘thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers’ in the celestial kingdom.”6 

Most recently, President Nelson said, “The Savior invites all to follow Him into the waters of baptism and, in time, to make additional covenants with God in the temple and receive and be faithful to those further essential ordinances.”7

Explaining the blessings of those further essential ordinances, President Nelson said, “Temple ordinances, covenants, endowments, and sealings enable individuals to be reconciled with the Lord and families to be sealed beyond the veil of death. Obedience to temple covenants qualifies us for eternal life, the greatest gift of God to man. Eternal life is more than immortality. Eternal life is exaltation in the highest heaven—the kind of life that God lives.”8 

And at the dedication of the St. Louis Missouri Temple, he taught, “In the temple we make covenants not only with one another but with God.  He fixes the terms, which we are free to accept.  He offers principles and ordinances, which we receive by covenant.  This places each of us under strong obligation and responsibility to honor that commitment.  You need not fear such a pledge, however, because it is never a sacrifice on your part or on mine.  Quite to the contrary.  Obedience to a divine covenant qualifies each of us for great blessings and joy beyond our present comprehension.”4 

Joy beyond our present comprehension—that is quite an amazing spiritual blessing!  President Nelson reminds us, “When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives.  Joy comes from and because of Him.  He is the source of all joy. … Just as the Savior offers peace that ‘passeth all understanding,’ He also offers an intensity, depth, and breadth of joy that defy human logic or mortal comprehension. … His joy is constant. … How, then, can we claim that joy?  We can start by ‘looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith’ ‘in every thought.’  We can give thanks for Him in our prayers and by keeping covenants we’ve made with Him and our Heavenly Father.  As our Savior becomes more and more real to us and as we plead for His joy to be given to us, our joy will increase. … Every day that you and I choose to live celestial laws, every day that we keep our covenants and help others to do the same, joy will be ours.”9 

In his last moments with his daughter Wendy, in what he called his farewell daddy-daughter conversation, it is obvious the importance President Nelson places on covenant keeping.  He shared this, “I held her hands and told her how much I loved her and how grateful I was to be her father. I said: ‘You married in the temple and faithfully honored your covenants.  You and your husband welcomed seven children into your home and raised them to be devout disciples of Jesus Christ, valiant Church members, and contributing citizens.  And they have chosen spouses of that same caliber.  Your daddy is very, very proud of you.  You have brought me much joy!’  She quietly responded, ‘Thank you, Daddy.’  It was a tender, tearful moment for us.  During her 67 years, we worked together, sang together, and often skied together.  But that evening, we talked of things that matter most, such as covenants, ordinances, obedience, faith, family, fidelity, love, and eternal life.”7 

Death has a way of bringing what is truly important to the forefront.  While it tests us to the core, it seems to put things in perspective.  Our covenants truly are things that matter most!  There is an indescribable peace that comes from knowing you have made and are keeping sacred covenants with God.  Surely peace and joy are tender spiritual blessings that come to us as covenant keepers. 

Consider these spiritual blessings President Nelson describes that come from making covenants.  “With each ordinance is a covenant—a promise. A covenant made with God is not restrictive, but protective. Such a concept is not new.  For example, if our water supply is not clean, we filter the water to screen out harmful ingredients.  Divine covenants help us to filter out of our minds impurities that could harm us.  When we choose to deny ourselves of all ungodliness, we lose nothing of value and gain the glory of eternal life.  Covenants do not hold us down; they elevate us beyond the limits of our own power and perspective.”8  

The analogy of keeping our water supply clean by continually filtering out impurities is so applicable to the temple.  We all need the ongoing purification that regular temple attendance offers.  It is not meant to bless us only once.  It can be a constant blessing to us, while also blessing our ancestors and others for whom we do the proxy work.  President Nelson stated, “We know that our time in the temple is crucial to our salvation and exaltation and to that of our families.  After we receive our own temple ordinances and make sacred covenants with God, each one of us needs the ongoing spiritual strengthening and tutoring that is possible only in the house of the Lord.  And our ancestors need us to serve as proxy for them.”10

One of the spiritual blessings our temple covenants can give us is eternal perspective.  President Nelson said, “[Eternal] perspective helps us to maintain fidelity to covenants made.  President Boyd K. Packer emphasized that ‘ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission into [God’s] presence.  To worthily receive them is the quest of a lifetime; to keep them thereafter is the challenge of mortality.’ … One day we will meet our Maker and stand before Him at Judgment.  We will be judged according to our ordinances, covenants, deeds, and the desires of our hearts.  Meanwhile, in this world smitten with spiritual decay, can individuals prepared for temple blessings make a difference?  Yes! Those Saints are ‘the covenant people of the Lord, … armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.’  Their example can lift the lives of all humankind.”8 

President Nelson has said, “The greatest compliment that can be earned here in this life is to be known as a covenant keeper.  The rewards for a covenant keeper will be realized both here and hereafter.”11

We can be those examples!  We can be covenant keepers!  As we stay on the covenant path, we can be a shining light in this ever-darkening world. 

Many years ago during a speech given at a graduation ceremony, President Nelson issued the following invitation.  It is an invitation we all would be wise to accept.  As we do, we will more easily recognize the spiritual blessings and privileges promised to covenant keepers. “Whoever you are and wherever you go, I invite you to come to the outstretched arms of Jesus.  Wherever else you think you may be going, come unto Him first.  You will find your greatest success and happiness when yoked with Him.  In His love, your precious families can be linked together forever, according to the eternal ordinances and covenants that He has established.  I invite you to learn of Him, to follow Him, and love Him as I do.”12


  1.  True to the Faith:  Covenant

  2.  True to the Faith:  Ordinances

  3.  As We Go Forward Together – Russell M. Nelson

  4.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, pg. 71

  5.  Mosiah 18:9

  6.  Endure and Be Lifted Up – Russell M. Nelson

  7.  “Come, Follow Me” – Russell M. Nelson

  8.  Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings – Russell M. Nelson

  9.  Joy and Spiritual Survival – Russell M. Nelson

10.  Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints – Russell M. Nelson

11.  Covenants – Russell M. Nelson

12.  Love of the Lord in Language and Living – Russell M. Nelson


June’s doctrinal topic for study was the priesthood.  The priesthood can and should bless our lives every day.  We often hear about priesthood keys, priesthood authority and priesthood power, but do we truly understand what they can mean to us personally?  Russell M. Nelson has taught, “Priesthood is the authority of God delegated to man to minister for the salvation of men.  ‘The power of directing these labors constitutes the keys of the Priesthood.’”1

“Priesthood authority has existed in many dispensations, such as those of Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, the meridian of time, the Jaredites, the Nephites, and others.  All previous dispensations were limited in time, as each ended in apostasy.  They were also limited to small segments of planet Earth. In contrast, our dispensation—the dispensation of the fulness of times—will not be limited in time or place.  Globally, it will host a whole, complete, and perfect union, welding together dispensations, keys, powers, and glories from the days of Adam even to the present time.   The Aaronic Priesthood was restored May 15, 1829, by John the Baptist; the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored shortly thereafter by Peter, James, and John.  Other heavenly messengers conveyed specific keys of the priesthood. Moroni held keys of the Book of Mormon.  Moses brought keys of the gathering of Israel and the leading of the ten tribes.  Elias conveyed keys of the restoration of all things, including the Abrahamic covenant.  And Elijah conferred keys of the sealing authority.”2 

I have heard President Nelson say on more than one occasion that salvation is an individual matter.  Have you thought about how the priesthood helps you on that journey?  The prophet declared, “The restoration of the priesthood of God, including the keys of the priesthood, opens to worthy Latter-day Saints the greatest of all spiritual blessings.”4  With the Aaronic Priesthood, we are able to partake of the sacrament each week.  The Melchizedek Priesthood is necessary to accomplish missionary work, family history work and the perform the ordinances of the temple.   Each of these has the power to change our lives and bless us in dramatic ways.  

Speaking of priesthood power, in her book Women and the Priesthood, Sheri Dew explains, “Priesthood power heals, blesses, protects, and inoculates all of the Father’s righteous sons and daughters against the powers of darkness.  It has the power to separate and safeguard us from the world, to subdue the adversary and help us surmount obstacles, to enlarge our physical and spiritual capacity and enable us to hear the voice of the Lord, to strengthen marriages and families and bind us to each other and to the Lord and to allow us to triumph over mortality and come unto Him.”3 

Those are some pretty incredible blessings!  But they don’t just come to us, we must do something to earn them. 

A year ago, President Nelson voiced this concern, “Too many of our brothers and sisters do not fully understand the concept of priesthood power and authority. They act as though they would rather satisfy their own selfish desires and appetites than use the power of God to bless His children.  I fear that too many of our brothers and sisters do not grasp the privileges that could be theirs.”4

To fully understand the concept of priesthood power and authority we must not only learn but we must act on what we learn.  President Nelson gives some specific things we can do.  He said, “We … increase the Savior’s power in our lives when we make sacred covenants and keep those covenants with precision. Our covenants bind us to Him and give us godly power. As faithful disciples, we repent and follow Him into the waters of baptism. We walk along the covenant path to receive other essential ordinances. … Covenant-keeping men and women seek for ways to keep themselves unspotted from the world so there will be nothing blocking their access to the Savior’s power.”5 

Several years ago, President Nelson shared an experience he had while he was trimming the hedges and vines around his home.  “I was at work with my electric clippers and long extension cord. I had done this often, each time reminding myself of the need to use these clippers with great care in order to avoid cutting things that I shouldn’t. 

“Suddenly the blades became jammed. Caught between them was the power cord itself. Because I had not seen it in the thicket I was trimming, I had cut into the very line that was providing the power to work.  ‘Isn’t that one of life’s great lessons?’ I thought. ‘Power, if misused, can cut into the very source of that power.’

“Just as the careless use of electrical power can sever the source of that power, so is it possible to misuse spiritual power to sever our spiritual power line. We would then lose that which enables us to generate success in our lives.

“… Like cutting the cord with clippers, it is possible to use spiritual power so carelessly as to destroy one’s very connection to that power.

“… Worship strengthens our power line to deity. There can be no true worship without sacrifice, and there can be no true sacrifice without a cause. The cause that earns our love and priority is the cause of Jesus Christ. … As we carefully and prayerfully protect the spiritual power line that links us to the Savior, we become more like him!”6

Our lives are increasingly busy.  If we are not careful, we can temporarily lose sight of what really is important and sever our spiritual power line.  If we fill our lives with too many little things, we may jam our spiritual line.   If we overload our lives with things having only temporal significance, there will be no time for things of eternal significance.  We have a sacred responsibility to ourselves and to our families to keep our spiritual line clear, allowing us to enlarge our spiritual capacity and drawing us closer to the Source of spiritual power.  We are to be men and women of God not men and women of the world.  He is counting on us!

Speaking to the women President Nelson said, “The women of this dispensation are distinct from the women of any other because this dispensation is distinct from any other. This distinction brings both privileges and responsibilities.”

He gave quite a list of responsibilities!

“We need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith and who are courageous defenders of morality and families in a sin-sick world.  We need women who are devoted to shepherding God’s children along the covenant path toward exaltation; women who know how to receive personal revelation, who understand the power and peace of the temple endowment; women who know how to call upon the powers of heaven to protect and strengthen children and families; women who teach fearlessly.

“… Attacks against the Church, its doctrine, and our way of life are going to increase. Because of this, we need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation. We need women who can detect deception in all of its forms. We need women who know how to access the power that God makes available to covenant keepers and who express their beliefs with confidence and charity.”7

To the men, he said, “I urgently plead with each one of us to live up to our privileges as bearers of the priesthood. In a coming day, only those men who have taken their priesthood seriously, by diligently seeking to be taught by the Lord Himself, will be able to bless, guide, protect, strengthen, and heal others. Only a man who has paid the price for priesthood power will be able to bring miracles to those he loves and keep his marriage and family safe, now and throughout eternity.

“… In these latter days, we know there will be earthquakes in diverse places. Perhaps one of those diverse places will be in our own homes, where emotional, financial, or spiritual ‘earthquakes’ may occur. Priesthood power can calm the seas and heal fractures in the earth. Priesthood power can also calm the minds and heal fractures in the hearts of those we love.  Are we willing to pray, fast, study, seek, worship, and serve as men of God so we can have that kind of priesthood power?”8

Why is it so important for us to be those men and women?  Because, as President Nelson warned, “Difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the latter days, those who diligently follow the Lord ‘shall suffer persecution.’  That very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives.

“… Available to each of you brethren and sisters are blessings obtained through the power of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood. These blessings can change the circumstances of your lives, in matters such as health, companionship of the Holy Ghost, personal relationships, and opportunities for the future.”9

My hope is that we can more fully appreciate and incorporate the power of the priesthood in our lives.  It will bless our lives now and throughout eternity.  Of course it will take effort to access this power, but it will be worth every effort we make.  And I believe we will have heaven’s help as we sincerely try.  President Nelson testified, “The gospel of Jesus Christ is filled with His power, which is available to every earnestly seeking daughter or son of God. It is my testimony that when we draw His power into our lives, both He and we will rejoice.”5 


1.  Keys of the Priesthood – Russell M. Nelson

2.  Personal Priesthood Responsibility – Russell M. Nelson

3.  Women and the Priesthood – Sheri Dew, pg. 125

4.  Ministering With the Power and Authority of God – Russell M. Nelson

5.  Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives – Russell M. Nelson

6.  Protect the Spiritual Power Line – Russell M. Nelson

7.  A Plea to My Sisters – Russell M. Nelson

8.  The Price of Priesthood Power – Russell M. Nelson

9.  Face the Future with Faith – Russell M. Nelson

Prophets & Revelation

While studying May’s doctrinal topic of Prophets and Revelation, I have thought many times about the ninth Article of Faith, which states, “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”1  As a young girl, I memorized the Articles of Faith in Primary.  Yet how often have I recited those words without giving much thought to what they really mean?  Through ancient and modern scriptures, we have access to what God has previously revealed.  Think about the exciting changes we have seen over the last year or so.  Surely these changes are what God is now revealing to our prophet.  And President Nelson has been quite clear that there is more coming.  He has also been very clear that we need to know how to receive personal revelation and strengthen our testimonies if we are going to withstand the challenges that will come our way, thus allowing us to believe all the “many great and important things”1 that will yet be revealed.

Russell M. Nelson once taught, “God’s long-established pattern of teaching His children through prophets assures us that He will bless each prophet and that He will bless those who heed prophetic counsel.”2  Think about those words as I share some comments made by two Samoan dignitaries, who are not members of the church, who attended the devotional in Samoa, one of the stops on President Nelson’s recent nine-day Pacific Tour.  

After hearing the prophet speak, a man who is a member of a Pentecostal church said, “I was very interested to attend when I heard the prophet is coming to Samoa.  It was good to hear [President Nelson] speak on faith and the challenges we are facing now. … We have to be strong in the faith to know we are to live by faith and depend on God. This will make us stronger people and make us better citizens of the world and also for eternity. It helped me as a leader to listen to such wisdom. I learned a lot.”3  

Another man said, “[If we follow his counsel], I think we will have a peaceful Samoa.  What the Church of Jesus Christ [of Latter-day Saints] is doing in our country is amazing. …  I’m a Catholic, but I know he’s God’s prophet, that he brings peace to us.  Hearing [President Nelson has] really filled my heart. I probably am going to use it in my own family, to teach my kids to be brave for what’s going to happen in the future. It’s good that he gave us that warning to help our kids because [our kids are] our future.”3  

I find it so interesting that both of these men knew they were listening to a prophet of God.  President Nelson is not just the prophet for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but indeed the prophet for the whole world.  We are so blessed to have a living prophet to lead and guide us in these latter days!

A few years before becoming the prophet, President Nelson said, “Often we sing, ‘We thank thee, O God, for a prophet.’  Do you and I really understand what that means?  Imagine the privilege the Lord has given us of sustaining His prophet, whose counsel will be untainted, unvarnished, unmotivated by any personal aspiration, and utterly true!”4  Do we appreciate the privilege of receiving untainted and true counsel that comes to us from the Lord through His prophet?  Wasn’t this the experience the two men had while listening to the prophet in Samoa?  I believe it was.  

He continued, “If the Restoration did anything, it shattered the age-old myth that God had stopped talking to His children. Nothing could be further from the truth. A prophet has stood at the head of God’s Church in all dispensations, from Adam to the present day. Prophets testify of Jesus Christ—of His divinity and of His earthly mission and ministry.  We honor the Prophet Joseph Smith as the prophet of this last dispensation. And we honor each man who has succeeded him as President of the Church.”4

President Nelson personally knew ten of the sixteen Presidents of the Church who preceded him. Surely the interactions with and tutelage of these men helped prepare President Nelson.  Shortly after being set apart as the 17th President of the Church, he said, “I’ve served in the Quorum of the Twelve under five previous Presidents of the Church. I have watched each President receive revelation and respond to that revelation. The Lord always has and always will instruct and inspire His prophets. The Lord is at the helm. We who have been ordained to bear witness of His holy name throughout the world will continue to seek to know His will and follow it.”5 

Speaking at a member meeting in Kenya shortly after being sustained as the prophet, President Nelson reminded them, “God always taught His children upon the earth through prophets.  There has never been an exception.  Now, there have been times in between prophets, when there hasn’t been a prophet upon the earth because of wickedness of the people.  They stoned the prophets and disobeyed the commandments and lost that teaching opportunity. … You know the prophets of the Old Testament. Nephi was a prophet, Lehi was a prophet, Joseph Smith was a prophet.  Now I have that great responsibility.  You may wonder, ‘What is it like?’  I’m just finding out. … I testify to you that revelation is real and that it is no different for me than it is for you.  You can receive personal revelation for your own circumstances just as actually as I can for my circumstances.  You get it for your family and for yourself; I get it for the whole Church.”6

Through personal revelation, we can know that Russell M. Nelson truly is God’s prophet. That knowledge is crucial if we are going to honor and sustain him and follow his counsel and teachings.  Each general conference, stake conference and ward conference we attend, we have the privilege of raising our hand to sustain the prophet.  President Nelson helps us better understand what it means to sustain the prophet.  He said, “Our sustaining of prophets is a personal commitment that we will do our utmost to uphold their prophetic priorities. Our sustaining is an oath-like indication that we recognize their calling as a prophet to be legitimate and binding upon us.  Twenty-six years before he became President of the Church, then-Elder George Albert Smith said: ‘The obligation that we make when we raise our hands … is a most sacred one. It does not mean that we will go quietly on our way and be willing that the prophet of the Lord shall direct this work, but it means … that we will stand behind him; we will pray for him; we will defend his good name, and we will strive to carry out his instructions as the Lord shall direct.’”4 

Nearly three decades ago, President Nelson taught, “Learn to listen, and listen to learn from Church leaders. Faithful members love the Savior and honor His servants, having faith in the Lord’s declaration that ‘whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.’ Gratefully we thank God for a prophet to guide us in these latter days. But many turn a deaf ear to his teachings, oblivious to his prophetic position. They do so at great risk, for scriptures contain this warning: ‘A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you … ; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. … Every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.’  President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., said, ‘We do not lack a prophet; what we lack is a listening ear.’  Words of the Lord are taught by His disciples.  Wise members listen to learn from Church leaders.”7 

President Nelson once said, “My experience is that once you stop putting question marks behind the prophet’s statements and put exclamation points instead, and do it, the blessings just pour. I never ask myself, ‘When does the prophet speak as a prophet and when does he not?’ My interest has been, ‘How can I be more like him?’”8 

President Nelson has a listening ear!  He has shown us that he would do what a prophet asked him to do, without questioning.  Here are two perfect examples. 

In 1979 while serving as the General President of the Sunday School, he attended a meeting where President Spencer W. Kimball asked the congregation to pray that all nations would open their doors to the preaching of the gospel.  He specifically mentioned China, telling them that they should learn that language.  President Nelson went home and said to his wife, “President Kimball asked us in that meeting to learn Chinese! And I did not hear him say, ‘Everyone except Brother Nelson!’ So, would you be willing to study Mandarin Chinese with me?”9 She agreed and they were both tutored in Mandarin.  That decision has blessed his life in many ways, both professionally and in his church responsibilities.  

After becoming the prophet Ezra Taft Benson gave specific assignments to the members of the Twelve. President Nelson’s assignment was to open the countries of Eastern Europe for the preaching of the gospel.  He explains, “That was 1985. During those politically frigid years that we refer to as the Cold War, not only did a literal wall divide the city of Berlin, but all of Eastern Europe was under the oppressive yoke of communism. Churches were closed, and religious worship was strictly limited.  I had spent much of my professional life opening hearts to perform life-saving operations, but I had no experience that would lead me to believe I could open countries for the preaching of the gospel. And yet, a prophet had given me an assignment, so I set out to do what seemed utterly impossible.  From the outset, obstacles were placed in my way. … But the Lord is able to do His own work, and I was privileged to watch the unfolding of one miracle after another—always, and only, after I had brought my best thinking, my most courageous efforts, and my most fervent prayers to the task.  Recognition of the Church was granted by some of those countries before the Berlin Wall came down. Others came later. In the year 1992, I was able to report to President Benson that the Church was now established in every country in Eastern Europe!”9

President Nelson declares, “It is my testimony that when we follow through with whatever the prophet of God asks us to do, the way will be opened and lives will be changed.”10

Will we have a listening ear?  Will we follow through with what the prophet asks?  We have the privilege of listening to or reading the words of the prophet often.  At general conference, his directions are given to the church as a whole.   At other times, he speaks to groups of specific ages or in specific regions. Since becoming the prophet, President Nelson has been very busy!  He “undertook the most ambitious first-year travel schedule by a new president in Church history, based on information published by Church Newsroom and discussions with Church historians—55,000 air miles with stops on five continents. He spoke to enormous crowds in an American professional football stadium, a professional baseball stadium, an NBA stadium, and at other arenas and convention centers and meetinghouses in 16 countries. That all happened since last April 2018.”11 

We would be wise to have a listening ear to whatever the prophet says—no matter where or when he says it!  We know that “our greatest safety lies in strictly following the word of the Lord given through His prophets, particularly the current President of the Church.”12  

On his recent tour, the prophet admonished the Fijian Latter-day Saints to study the scriptures, pay their tithing and serve in the temple.13  To the Samoan Saints he cautioned, “There are difficult days ahead.  Please protect your children. Help them to know the Lord and love Him and keep His commandments and be free from the shackles of addiction and bondage.”3  And to the Saints in Tahiti he said, “There’s trouble ahead.  Prepare for attacks from the adversary. Please protect yourself from Satan’s traps, including harmful drugs and pornography.”14

President Nelson has explained, “Prophets see ahead. They see the harrowing dangers the adversary has placed or will yet place in our path. Prophets also foresee the grand possibilities and privileges awaiting those who listen with the intent to obey. I know this is true! I have experienced it for myself over and over again.”9 

To the Saints in the Pacific, President Nelson was warning against the “harrowing dangers of the adversary.”  Heeding his counsel will offer safety for them and for all who will listen.  Safety also comes because, “The Lord has promised us that He will never allow the prophet to lead us astray.”  Then quoting President Harold B. Lee, President Nelson continued, “You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your political views. It may contradict your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life. But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord Himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory.”9 

Neil L. Andersen offered a similar admonition on the morning we had the privilege of sustaining President Nelson as our new prophet.  He said, “The prophet’s voice, while spoken kindly, will often be a voice asking us to change, to repent, and to return to the Lord. When correction is needed, let’s not delay. And don’t be alarmed when the prophet’s warning voice counters popular opinions of the day. The mocking fireballs of annoyed disbelievers are always hurled the moment the prophet begins to speak. As you are humble in following the counsel of the Lord’s prophet, I promise you an added blessing of safety and peace.  Don’t be surprised if at times your personal views are not initially in harmony with the teachings of the Lord’s prophet. These are moments of learning, of humility, when we go to our knees in prayer. We walk forward in faith, trusting in God, knowing that with time we will receive more spiritual clarity from our Heavenly Father.”15  

Elder Andersen also reminded us that “the prophet’s voice brings spiritual safety in very turbulent times. … Anchoring our souls to the Lord Jesus Christ requires listening to those He sends.”15

Unfortunately there will be those who mock us for following the prophet.  They will accuse us of not thinking for ourselves or blindly following.  Elder Andersen said, “We listen to the Lord’s prophet with the faith that his words are ‘from [the Lord’s] own mouth.’ Is this blind faith? No, it is not. We each have a spiritual witness of the truthfulness of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. By our own will and choice, we raised our hand this morning, declaring our desire to sustain the Lord’s prophet with our ‘confidence, faith, and prayer[s]’ and to follow his counsel. We have the privilege as Latter-day Saints to receive a personal witness that President Nelson’s call is from God.”15

President Nelson offered this promise, “You may not always understand every declaration of a living prophet. But when you know a prophet is a prophet, you can approach the Lord in humility and faith and ask for your own witness about whatever His prophet has proclaimed.”9 

A personal witness of President Nelson’s call as a prophet of God is imperative to survive the days ahead.  There may be times when the prophet will tell us things that are hard to hear.  Other times he may ask us to make changes that seem too difficult.  Prophets definitely tell us things that are contrary to the world’s view.  When this happens, some will insist they love the Lord but find it too hard to follow the prophet.   Many years ago, President Nelson warned, “Loyalty to the Lord carries an obligation of loyalty to those called by the Lord to lead His Church. He has empowered that men be ordained to speak in His holy name. As they guide His unsinkable boat safely toward the shore of salvation, we would do well to stay on board with them. ‘No waters can swallow the ship where lies / The Master of ocean and earth and skies.’  Nevertheless, some individuals want to jump ‘out of the boat’ before reaching land. And others, sadly, are persuaded out by companions who insist that they know more about life’s perilous journey than do prophets of the Lord.”16

Of course this is nothing new.  There will always be impatience and opposition.  This has always been the case.  You will find example after example in the scriptures. That is why it is imperative to know for yourself that there are prophets and apostles on earth today.  There is great protection in following God’s prophets.  That protection comes because, as President Nelson reminds us, “The living Lord leads His living Church! The Lord reveals His will for the Church to His prophet. … We sustain 15 men who are ordained as prophets, seers, and revelators. When a thorny problem arises—and they only seem to get thornier each day—these 15 men wrestle with the issue, trying to see all the ramifications of various courses of action, and they diligently seek to hear the voice of the Lord. … The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together and share all the Lord has directed us to understand and to feel individually and collectively. And then we watch the Lord move upon the President of the Church to proclaim the Lord’s will.”4

I find it very insightful to go back and read what the prophets and apostles have warned the Saints about five, fifteen, twenty, even fifty years ago.  It is amazing to see how their prophesies have been or are being fulfilled.  Speaking to the young single adults, President Nelson shared some thoughts about each of the ten Presidents of the Church he had known and extended this challenge, “I believe that the finest leaders to have walked the earth are the prophets of God.  I urge you to study the lives and teachings of these 16 prophets of God. That study will change your life.”17  We certainly should add President Nelson’s life and teachings to that list.  I hope we will all accept that challenge.  Our lives will be changed because we will come to understand in a more profound way “all that God has revealed,” “all that He does now reveal,” and we will be better prepared to understand and accept the “many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God”1 that will be revealed. 

I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would be like without my testimony of living prophets.  I am so grateful to know that a loving Heavenly Father continues to speak to us through His prophets.  I know that Russell M. Nelson is God’s prophet on the earth today.  I know our lives will be blessed here and hereafter as we follow his prophetic counsel.  He is an incredible example of love and loyalty to our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ.  May we strive to not only follow the prophet’s counsel but his example as well.


  1.  The Articles of Faith 1:9

  2.  Ask, Seek, Knock – Russell M. Nelson

  3.  President Nelson Admonishes Samoans to Protect Their Children –

  4.  Sustaining the Prophets – Russell M. Nelson

  5.  As We Go Forward Together – Russell M. Nelson

  6.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, pages 309-310

  7.  Listen to Learn – Russell M. Nelson

  8.  Russell M. Nelson: A Study in Obedience

  9.  Becoming True Millennials – Russell M. Nelson

10.  Hope of Israel – Russell M. Nelson

11.  President Nelson’s Remarkable First Year –

12.  Gospel Topics: Prophets

13.  Church News – Pacific Ministry Tour / Fiji

14.  Church News – Pacific Ministry Tour / Tahiti

15.  The Prophet of God – Neil L. Andersen

16.  Endure and Be Lifted Up – Russell M. Nelson

17.  Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law – Russell M. Nelson

The Apostasy and the Restoration

During the month of April, I have been studying the doctrinal topic of the Apostasy and the Restoration. Russell M. Nelson explained, “Prior to His Crucifixion, the Lord Jesus Christ had established His Church. It included apostles, prophets, seventies, teachers, and so forth.  And the Master sent His disciples into the world to preach His gospel.  After a time the Church as established by the Lord fell into spiritual decay.  His teachings were altered; His ordinances were changed.  The Great Apostasy came as had been foretold. … This Great Apostasy followed the pattern that had ended each previous dispensation. The very first was in the time of Adam. Then came dispensations of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and others. Each prophet had a divine commission to teach of the divinity and the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In each age these teachings were meant to help the people.  But their disobedience resulted in apostasy.  Thus, all previous dispensations were limited in time and location.  They were limited in time because each ended in apostasy.  They were limited in location to a relatively small segment of planet earth.  Thus a complete restoration was required.  God the Father and Jesus Christ called upon the Prophet Joseph Smith to be the prophet of this dispensation.  All divine powers of previous dispensations were to be restored through him.  This dispensation of the fulness of times would not be limited in time or in location.  It would not end in apostasy, and it would fill the world.”1

This explanation helps us understand that neither the apostasy nor the restoration were one-time events.  So how do they each apply in our lives today?  

When we hear that we live in the dispensation of the fulness of times, do we appreciate the significance of it?  While disobedience caused each previous dispensation to end in apostasy, meaning the loss of true doctrine, ordinances, priesthood power and the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the Restoration came the reality that there would never be another time when the blessings of the gospel would be unavailable to God’s children.  Of course wickedness will continue to exist as it always has, and maybe even more, so we must always be vigilant in guarding against personal apostasy.  We have been told that in the last days even the elect will be deceived.  Safety is found in cherishing and honoring our covenants, studying and living the doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ, hearing and heeding the Holy Ghost and following the prophet.

The Bible Dictionary defines restoration as “a reestablishment of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth in the last days, with the powers, ordinances, doctrines, offices, and all things as they have existed in former ages.  It means a gathering together of the house of Israel from its scattered condition.  Thus it is frequently spoken of as the restitution (or restoration) of all things, as in Acts 3:19–21.  The time in which all these things are accomplished is called the dispensation of the fulness of times.”2 

President Nelson taught, “As prophesied by Peter and Paul, all things were to be restored in this dispensation. Therefore, there must come, as part of that restoration, the long-awaited gathering of scattered Israel.  It is a necessary prelude to the Second Coming of the Lord.  This doctrine of the gathering is one of the important teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The Lord has declared: ‘I give unto you a sign … that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion.’  The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign to the entire world that the Lord has commenced to gather Israel and fulfill covenants He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We not only teach this doctrine, but we participate in it.”1

When we talk about gathering Israel, we most often think about missionary work.  And while that certainly is an important aspect, there is another.  Since becoming our prophet, I have been intrigued at how often President Nelson uses the words on both sides of the veil.  However, he hasn’t only been using that expression recently.  The concluding sentence for the paragraph quoted above says, “We do so as we help to gather the elect of the Lord on both sides of the veil.”1  As I have studied his talks, it has been very clear to see the importance President Nelson places on gathering all our Heavenly Father’s children.  Last year he said, “Our message to the world is simple and sincere: we invite all of God’s children on both sides of the veil to come unto their Savior, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy, and qualify for eternal life.”3

Several years ago, he reminded us that it is our responsibility to “help fulfill the Abrahamic covenant.  Ours is the seed foreordained and prepared to bless all people of the world. … After some 4,000 years of anticipation and preparation, this is the appointed day when the gospel is to be taken to the kindreds of the earth.  This is the time of the promised gathering of Israel.  And we get to participate!  Isn’t that exciting?  The Lord is counting on us. … The Book of Mormon is a tangible sign that the Lord has commenced to gather His children of covenant Israel.  This book, written for our day, states as one of its purposes that ‘ye may know that the covenant which the Father hath made with the children of Israel … is already beginning to be fulfilled. … For behold, the Lord will remember his covenant which he hath made unto his people of the house of Israel.’  Indeed, the Lord has not forgotten!  He has blessed us and others throughout the world with the Book of Mormon.  One of its purposes is for ‘the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ.’  It helps us to make covenants with God.”4 

Speaking to the youth last year President Nelson said, “Every prophet commencing with Adam has seen our day.  And every prophet has talked about our day, when Israel would be gathered and the world would be prepared for the Second Coming of the Savior.  Think of it!  Of all the people who have ever lived on planet earth, we are the ones who get to participate in this final, great gathering event.  How exciting is that! … [T]he gathering of Israel ultimately means offering the gospel of Jesus Christ to God’s children on both sides of the veil who have neither made crucial covenants with God nor received their essential ordinances.  Every child of our Heavenly Father deserves the opportunity to choose to follow Jesus Christ, to accept and receive His gospel with all of its blessings—yes, all the blessings that God promised to the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who, as you know, is also known as Israel.  My dear extraordinary youth, you were sent to earth at this precise time, the most crucial time in the history of the world, to help gather Israel.  There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that.  There is nothing of greater consequence.  Absolutely nothing.”5

The only way one can accept and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ with all its blessings is to have access to the ordinances of the temple.  It is evident that this is important to President Nelson.  Since becoming the prophet, he as announced the building of 27 new temples!  He once taught that the doctrine of salvation for the dead is “a pivotal part of the promised ‘restitution of all things.’ … This doctrine and its ordinances are laden with love and are intended to perpetuate the sweetest of all relationships—in families forever. … No mortal mind could have conceived this divine work. It is evidence of the restoration of the gospel in its fulness.”6 

In a recent interview after the dedication of the Concepción Chile Temple, President Nelson said, “The Book of Mormon teaches over and over again that you need to have the ordinances.  And of course, that’s why we have temples so that all the potential that God has in store for His children can become a fact, a reality. … No one else can offer perpetuation of the family unit beyond the grave.  And that, according to our Heavenly Father, is the greatest gift that He can give to His children.”7

President Nelson also said, “We’re witnesses to a process of restoration.  If you think the Church has been fully restored, you’re just seeing the beginning. There is much more to come. … Wait till next year. And then the next year.  Eat your vitamin pills.  Get your rest.  It’s going to be exciting.”7  

This shouldn’t come as a surprise.  The ninth Article of Faith states, “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”8  The prophet reminded us in our last general conferences that “revelation continues in this, the Lord’s Church. It will continue until ‘the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.’”9  He said virtually the same thing last October.  

This next quote is powerful!  Think for a moment about what it means to you personally, especially as it applies to our topic of apostasy and restoration.  “Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again.  We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory.”10  No wonder President Nelson says it’s going to be exciting!  To me, this clearly indicates there will be on-going revelation and restoration.  He continues, “But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”10  Surviving spiritually is the opposite of apostasy.  And what greater safeguard can we have against personal apostasy than the constant influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives?

It is a glorious blessing to live in the dispensation of the fulness of times!   We have a living prophet to lead and guide us.  I love him and know he is truly a prophet of God. With proper priesthood authority, the ordinances of the gospel can bless our lives daily, including the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.  There are now temples all around the world, with more being built.  Temple blessings are unmatched! 

We are so very blessed!  And with such incredible blessings come significant responsibilities.  We have a great work to do in preparing ourselves and the world for the Second Coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ. President Nelson shared how.  He said, “Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel.  It is as simple as that. … Pray daily that all of God’s children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  You and I are living to see, and will continue to see, Israel gathered with great power.  And you can be part of the power behind that gathering!”5 

He also gave us a challenge at the end of our last general conference, “God’s objective should be our objective.  He wants His children to choose to return to Him, prepared, qualified, endowed, sealed, and faithful to covenants made in holy temples. … May we dedicate and rededicate our lives to serving God and His children—on both sides of the veil.”9 

As we do our part to serve God and His children, we have been promised we “will be blessed now and forever.”4  


  1.  The Gathering of Scattered Israel – Russell M. Nelson

  2.  Restoration – Bible Dictionary

  3.  Let Us All Press On – Russell M. Nelson

  4.  Covenants – Russell M. Nelson

  5.  Hope of Israel – Russell M. Nelson

  6.  The Spirit of Elijah – Russell M. Nelson

  7.  October 30, 2018 News Release

  8.  The Articles of Faith 1:9

  9.  Closing Remarks – Russell M. Nelson

10.  Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives – Russell M. Nelson

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

The Atonement of Jesus Christ was the doctrinal topic for March’s study.   Russell M. Nelson reminds us that Jesus Christ “was anointed by His Father to be the Savior of the world. … [He] is our Advocate with the Father. …  He was sent by His Father to accomplish the Atonement, the central act of all human history.”1

When the Savior was on the earth, He focused on the one, although His life and teachings blessed and continue to bless many.   Similarly, while His Atonement has an impact upon all who will ever live, it can and should be very personal to each of us.   

President Nelson encourages us to “ponder the deep meaning of the word atonement.  In the English language, the components are at-one-ment, suggesting that a person is at one with another.  Other languages employ words that connote either expiation or reconciliation.  Expiation means ‘to atone for.’ Reconciliation comes from Latin roots … and … literally means ‘to sit again with.’ … In Hebrew [it] means ‘to cover’ or ‘to forgive.’ … [In] Aramaic and Arabic, … ‘a close embrace.’ … I weep for joy when I contemplate the significance of it all.  To be redeemed is to be atoned—received in the close embrace of God with an expression not only of His forgiveness, but of our oneness of heart and mind.  What a privilege!”2

In each of those meanings it is easy to see how personal the Savior intends His Atonement to be in our lives.  President Nelson helps us understand some of those very personal ways in the following three quotes:

“As the Only Begotten Son of our Almighty God, Jesus was the only perfect man to walk the earth. … He healed the sick and caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, and the deaf to hear. He raised the dead. Yet He allowed His life to be taken to make resurrection a reality and eternal life a possibility for all humankind. … Jesus came to the Garden of Gethsemane. He came to submit to the will of His Father and offer Himself as the sacrifice for the sins and weaknesses, the pains and burdens of all who had ever lived. … Upon the cross, the Savior of the world was lifted up.  He gave His life as part of His atoning sacrifice. … Because the Savior offered Himself as the infinite Atonement, you and I have the opportunity, the privilege, to be forgiven when we repent.  We can also turn to Him for healing of our hearts, for strength where we are weak, and for help to do things we simply cannot do on our own.  By virtue of His transcendent offering, Jesus also gave us the gift of immortality and the opportunity for eternal life.”3

“We live in a most difficult dispensation.  Challenges, controversies, and complexities swirl around us.  These turbulent times were foreseen by the Savior.  He warned us that in our day the adversary would stir up anger in the hearts of men and lead them astray.  Yet our Heavenly Father never intended that we would deal with the maze of personal problems and social issues on our own.  God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to help us.  And His Son, Jesus Christ, gave His life for us.  All so that we could have access to godly power—power sufficient to deal with the burdens, obstacles, and temptations of our day.”4

“In a very real way, [the Atonement of Jesus Christ] affects each of our lives and the lives of every human being who ever lived. Understanding the significance of his atonement is fundamental to choices we make in all facets of our lives. The atonement of the Lord is central to our faith. … It seems almost beyond comprehension to think that he paid this enormous price for me and for each of you. And yet, as far as we are concerned individually, unless you and I do our part, his atonement will have been in vain. It is that covenant relationship—that mutual trust—that makes his atonement such a personal gift. It brings us protection, perennial hope, and the promise of joy.”5 

There were a few words that really resonated with me.  When the Savior was wrongly accused and sentenced to death, He was mocked by His accusers.  Knowing He had performed many miracles, they taunted Him to prove His divinity by saving Himself.  “Yet He allowed His life to be taken.”3  He did that for me!  And for you!  And for all who would ever live upon the earth.  And because He did, you can I can “turn to Him for healing of our hearts, for strength where we are weak, and for help to do things we simply cannot do on our own;”3 “have access to godly power—power sufficient to deal with the burdens, obstacles, and temptations of our day;”4 and “bring us protection, perennial hope, and the promise of joy.”5

One of my favorite sacramental hymns, Reverently and Meekly Now, really helps me to personalize the Atonement.  It is the only hymn we sing that is as though the Savior is speaking to us.  As you read these beautiful words, imagine yourself looking into the Savior’s eyes as He speaks directly to you.

Rev’rently and meekly now,
Let thy head most humbly bow.
Think of me, thou ransomed one;
Think what I for thee have done.
With my blood that dripped like rain,
Sweat in agony of pain,
With my body on the tree
I have ransomed even thee.

In this bread now blest for thee,
Emblem of my body see;
In this water or this wine,
Emblem of my blood divine.
Oh, remember what was done
That the sinner might be won.
On the cross of Calvary
I have suffered death for thee.

Bid thine heart all strife to cease;
With thy brethren be at peace.
Oh, forgive as thou wouldst be
E’en forgiven now by me.
In the solemn faith of prayer
Cast upon me all thy care,
And my Spirit’s grace shall be
Like a fountain unto thee.

At the throne I intercede;
For thee ever do I plead.
I have loved thee as thy friend,
With a love that cannot end.
Be obedient, I implore,
Prayerful, watchful evermore,
And be constant unto me,
That thy Savior I may be.6

I particularly love the personal invitations in the third and fourth verses.  If I have the faith to cast upon Him all my cares, His grace will flow into my life constantly.  If I will be obedient, prayerful and always remember Him, He will be my Savior—every hour of every day.  His Atonement is undeniably personal. It truly has the power to bless me every day of my life.  Knowing how to access that power is vital.  It will surely require effort on my part.  I must come to Him.  I will need to continually strengthen my faith in Him.  

President Nelson teaches, “Faith in Jesus Christ propels us to do things we otherwise would not do. Faith that motivates us to action gives us more access to His power.  We also increase the Savior’s power in our lives when we make sacred covenants and keep those covenants with precision. Our covenants bind us to Him and give us godly power. … Covenant-keeping men and women seek for ways to keep themselves unspotted from the world so there will be nothing blocking their access to the Savior’s power.”4 

Along with our attitudes and actions, our acknowledgment that the Savior is the source of such incredible power is imperative.  In our last general conference, President Nelson counseled, “If we as a people and as individuals are to have access to the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ—to cleanse and heal us, to strengthen and magnify us, and ultimately to exalt us—we must clearly acknowledge Him as the source of that power.”7

We can only acknowledge Him if we know Him.  Only in our quest to know Him will we be able to become like Him.  That is our lifelong challenge.  President Nelson has reminded us, “If you really want to be like the Lord—more than any thing or anyone else—you will remember that your adoration of Jesus is best shown by your emulation of Him.”8

To help us come to know the Savior better, President Nelson has offered this invitation, “Study everything Jesus Christ is by prayerfully and vigorously seeking to understand what each of His various titles and names means personally for you.  For example, He really is your Advocate with the Father. He will take your side.  He will stand up for you. He will speak on your behalf, every time, as you choose to be more like Him.”9

As we follow the example of our dear prophet and come to know the Savior in a deeper, more personal way, our love for Him will increase.  And as our love for Him increases, so will our gratitude for what He has done for us.  We often hear “Actions speak louder than words.”  It is easy to say how much I love the Savior and how grateful I am for what He has done for me.  However, until my gratitude changes the way I act, interact and react, those will be just words.  Until I truly strive to become like my Savior, allowing Him to change, help and heal me, I am not taking full advantage of His Atonement. 

Jesus Christ is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Advocate and our Friend. He suffered more than we can comprehend so that we never need suffer alone.  He knows us and loves us!  May we choose to be more like Him every day so that we can feel the power of His Atonement in our lives every day.  


1.  Jesus the Christ—Our Prince of Peace – Russell M. Nelson

2.  The Atonement – Russell M. Nelson

3.  Jesus is the Living Christ – Russell M. Nelson

4.  Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives – Russell M. Nelson

5.  Standards of Standard-Bearers of the Lord – Russell M. Nelson

6.  Reverently and Meekly Now – Hymn 185

7.  The Correct Name of the Church – Russell M. Nelson

8.  Endure and Be Lifted Up – Russell M. Nelson

9.  Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law – Russell M. Nelson

Agency & the Plan of Salvation

My study for February has been on the plan of salvation.   Our Heavenly Father’s divine plan has also been called the plan of happiness, the plan of redemption, the plan of restoration, the plan of mercy, the plan of deliverance, and the everlasting gospel.  “Because of this plan, we can be perfected through the Atonement, receive a fulness of joy, and live forever in the presence of God.  Our family relationships can last throughout the eternities.”1

Often I have said how grateful I am for the plan of salvation.  Most often I say that when I am acknowledging my profound gratitude for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and for the sealing ordinances of the temple that bind me to my family.  I cannot imagine living without a knowledge of these beautiful doctrines!  They have given me comfort during those times when comfort would seem impossible. These are crucial to Heavenly Father’s plan.  But there is so much more for us to remember and appreciate about His divine plan—here and now.

Russell M. Nelson has taught, “Before the foundation of the earth, the plan of salvation was prepared.  It included the glorious possibility of a divine inheritance for us in the kingdom of God.  Central to that plan of salvation is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  In premortal councils He was foreordained by His Father to atone for our sins and break the bands of physical and spiritual death. … Also pivotal to God’s plan is the family.  In fact, a purpose of the plan is to exalt the family.  The earth was created so that we as premortal spirit children of our Father in Heaven could come to the earth and obtain physical bodies. We are here to be tried and tested.  We are here to ‘choose liberty and eternal life, . . . or to choose captivity and death.’”2 

We are here to choose!  Do we recognize the important role agency plays in the plan of salvation? President Nelson reminds us, “A major reason for your mortal existence … is to test how you will exercise your agency. … That precious privilege of choice—man’s agency—was decreed before the world was created.”3  Even before we came to Earth, we made some very important choices.  We participated in that great council in heaven when the Father’s plan was announced.  We not only accepted the plan but shouted for joy.  We knew then that life on Earth would be hard.  We learned of commandments, covenants and commitments.  We willingly accepted those.  Along with happiness and success, we knew life would also be full of disappointment and failure.  We still chose to come!

We are so blessed to live at a time when the fulness of the gospel is upon the Earth.  If we choose, we can have daily access to the scriptures and words of the living prophets.  The temples are closer to us now than at any other time.  We can choose every day to draw closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  We can choose to rely upon the Savior’s Atonement always.  We can and must choose to have faith.   President Nelson said, “The proper exercise of moral agency requires faith.  Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel.  Because of Him, you have your agency.  He must be the very foundation of your faith, and the testing of that faith is a fundamental reason for your freedom to choose.”3  

A few years ago President Nelson spoke at a devotional for young adults.  His talk was titled, “Youth of the Noble Birthright: What Will You Choose?”4  He posed several questions.  I will cite four.  The questions and his counsel are applicable to all of us, regardless of our age.  

What manner of living will you choose?  Premortally, you stood by Jesus Christ during the War in Heaven.  And now the conflict between the forces of good and evil continues here on earth.  It is real! That conflict in which we are now engaged is still between the forces of good and the forces of evil.  On God’s side is Jesus Christ, foreordained to be the Savior of the world.  On the other side is Satan—a rebel, a destroyer of agency.  God’s plan allows the adversary to tempt you so that you, now in this mortal world, can exercise your agency to choose good over evil, to choose to repent, to choose to come unto Jesus Christ and believe His teachings and follow His example. What a huge responsibility and a huge trust!  

Will you establish priorities to help you make your choices in life?  Your choices will not all be between good and evil.  Many will be choices between two good options.  Not all truths are created equal, so you will need to establish priorities.  In your pursuit of knowledge, know that the most important truth you can learn comes from the Lord.  In His Intercessory Prayer to His Father, the Savior Himself confirmed this.  He said, ‘This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.’   Above everything else you are seeking to learn, seek to know God, your Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Come to know Them and love Them, as I do. … Choose to stand for the Lord and His truth.”

How will you prepare for your personal interview with the Savior?  Judgment day awaits each one of us.  I don’t know whether the heavenly gate is pearly or not, but I do know, as do all students of the Book of Mormon, that ‘the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employ[s] no servant there; … for the Lord God is his name.’  Yes, each one of us will have a personal interview with Jesus Christ.  Each day on earth gives you time and opportunity to prepare for that interview. Please know this:  As you choose to live on the Lord’s side, you are never alone.  God has given you access to His help while you move along through mortality’s perilous pathway.  As you diligently, earnestly pour out your heart to Him in daily prayer, He will send His angels to help you.  He has given you the Holy Ghost to be by your side as you live worthily. He has given you scriptures so that you can fully feast upon the words of Jesus Christ.  He has given you words to heed from living prophets.

In whom will you put your trust?  You … know that God is your Father.  He loves you.  He wants you to be happy.  Put your trust in Him.  Maintain your focus on His holy temple.  Be worthy to receive your endowment and sealing ordinances.  Remain faithful to those covenants, and return frequently to the temple.  Remember, your loftiest goal is to gain the greatest of all the blessings of God, that of eternal life.  Ordinances of the temple are essential for that blessing.”

I truly am grateful for the plan of salvation, including the tests and trials.  I am so thankful for covenants and commandments and the safety that comes from keeping them.  And I am eternally grateful for the Savior Jesus Christ, whose Atonement makes the plan of salvation possible and the sealing ordinances of the temple efficacious.

President Nelson taught, “God wants His children to return to Him.  But the amazing thing is He allows them to choose that course; He doesn’t force them.  He sends His children to earth, causing a veil of forgetfulness to come upon them.  They are here to gain a body, to be tested, and to make choices.  The greatest of all choices they may make is to choose to return to their Father.”5 

The plan of salvation is the fulness of the gospel.  The more we understand our Heavenly Father’s plan, the deeper our desire will be to make and keep sacred covenants.  The more we understand the His plan for us individually, the more willingly we will submit to His will and to keep His commandments. We will choose to learn and live the gospel more fully each day because we know that “this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God.”6  God is our loving Father.  He does want us to return home to Him. The choice is ours.  But He has not left us alone to figure things out.  He has given us His Beloved Son and His prophet.  There we will find safety and security in an increasingly unsteady world.


1.  Plan of Salvation – True to the Faith

2.  Faith and Families – Russell M. Nelson

3.  Choices – Russell M. Nelson

4.  Youth of the Noble Birthright: What Will You Choose? – Russell M. Nelson

5.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, pages 48 and 49

6.  Alma 34:32

The Godhead

As we have listened to our Church leaders this past year, we have repeatedly been encouraged to deepen our conversion, “strengthen faith in Heavenly Father and His plan and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement”1 and “truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings.”2

Over the past few months, I have taken the opportunity to read and study all of Russell M. Nelson’s conference talks.  It has blessed my life more than I could have imagined.  The more I studied, the more my testimony grew.  I gained greater love and respect for this wonderful man.   While doing this, I felt inspired to begin the new year once again using the doctrinal topics from the youth curriculum as my monthly study, primarily using the words and testimony of our dear prophet.  He has reminded us that “[God’s] doctrine is ours to study, understand, and uphold.”3  “The foundation of one’s individual faith, if anchored firmly to eternal truth, allows each of us to reach upward with an eternal perspective.  That faith will give hope when there is no hope.  It will give us joy here and eternal life hereafter.”4

I have also felt the need to personalize and internalize my study of these doctrinal topics.  Knowing the doctrine is one thing.  Allowing that doctrine to change my heart is quite another.  What do these doctrines really mean to me?  How have they blessed me and my family?  Do I recognize that my life truly is better because of what I know?

January’s doctrinal topic is the Godhead.   Our understanding of the Godhead and Their separate and distinct roles is something that sets us apart from other religions.  The first Article of Faith states, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”5  Many of us have recited those words since we were young children in Primary.  But do we truly appreciate what that really means?   When we understand who our Heavenly Father is and our relation to Him, our lives have deeper meaning.  We can view life, especially in trying times, with an eternal perspective.  When we know that Jesus Christ is our Elder Brother, the author and finisher of our faith, our only way back home to our Heavenly Parents, we live life differently—more compassionately, more completely.  When we know the role the Holy Ghost plays in our everyday lives and in living and learning the gospel, we feel strength and hope and comfort beyond description.

For 35 years, we have been blessed to be taught by President Nelson often about Father in Heaven, the Savior and the Holy Ghost.  He has encouraged us to increase our knowledge and testimony of Them. One of the sweet evidences that Heavenly Father loves us is that He gives us prophets and apostles to teach and testify and guide us along the covenant path back home to Him.  President Nelson’s testimony is powerful!  In our last general conference, he testified, “I know that God lives! Jesus is the Christ! This is His Church that He directs by prophecy and revelation to His humble servants.”6  As one of those humble servants, we can learn much from his timeless teachings and profound proclamations.

We believe in God, the Eternal Father 

From President Nelson, we learn that “God is the Father of our spirits.  He has a glorified, perfected body of flesh and bone.  We lived with Him in heaven before we were born.  And when He created us physically, we were created in the image of God, each with a personal body.  Think of our physical sustenance.  It is truly heaven-sent.  The necessities of air, food, and water all come to us as gifts from a loving Heavenly Father.”7 

“We are literally children of God.  We are dual beings.  Each soul is comprised of body and spirit, both of which emanate from God. … We are children of God—physically and spiritually.”8

“Not one of us can ever stop being a child of God!”3 

“Heavenly Father loves every one of His children.  After all, He is their Father. He wants to bless them with His greatest gift, that of eternal life.”9 

I think there is great significance that in the short address to us as our new prophet President Nelson chose to tell us, “Our Father in Heaven cherishes His children, and He wants each of us to return home to Him.”10  That truth should warm our hearts and instill in us a desire to make and keep sacred covenants with Him.

He declared, “When we realize that we are children of the covenant, we know who we are and what God expects of us.  His law is written in our hearts.  He is our God and we are His people.  Committed children of the covenant remain steadfast, even in the midst of adversity.  When that doctrine is deeply implanted in our hearts, even the sting of death is soothed and our spiritual stamina is strengthened.11 

In a worldwide devotional for the young adults President Nelson said, “Learn for yourselves who you really are.  Ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how He feels about you and your mission here on earth.  If you ask with real intent, over time the Spirit will whisper the life-changing truth to you.  Record those impressions and review them often, and follow through with exactness.  I promise you that when you begin to catch even a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father sees you and what He is counting on you to do for Him, your life will never be the same!”12

No matter if we are 5 or 25 or 55 or 95, we all need to truly know that we are children of God.   With that knowledge, we can bless the lives of those around us.

President Nelson reminds us that “parents have a sacred responsibility to teach their children the importance of God in their lives.”13  I was very blessed to have a loving earthly father.  He taught me the gospel through his words and his actions.  My father cherished me.   Because of him, it was much easier for me to understand that I have a loving Heavenly Father who cherishes me and has a plan so that I can return home to Him.  Our children learn the importance of God in their lives when they see how important He is in our lives.

We believe in Jesus Christ

When called as an apostle, President Nelson said, “I understand fully that the call to the Holy Apostleship is one of witness to the world of the divinity of the Lord Jesus the Christ.”14   Along with witnessing, he also taught, “The ministry of the Apostles—the First Presidency and the Twelve—is … to proclaim our knowledge of the Master.”13  There are some incredible witnesses borne that if we aren’t paying close attention we may miss.  As you listen to or read the words of the prophet and apostles, you will find they are profound!  I love President Nelson’s teachings and testimony of the Savior!  He not only teaches us about who the Savior is but also about how His Atonement and His attributes can change our lives and our hearts.

“I bear witness of the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His redeeming, atoning, and sanctifying power.”15 

“I testify of Jesus Christ as the Master Healer.  It is but one of many attributes that characterize His incomparable life.  Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Creator, the great Jehovah, the promised Immanuel, our atoning Savior and Redeemer, our Advocate with the Father, our great Exemplar.  And one day we will stand before Him as our just and merciful Judge. … Only the Master Healer could take away the sin of the world. Our debt to Him is incalculably great. …  Jesus suffered deeply because He loves us deeply!  He wants us to repent and be converted so that He can fully heal us. … The gift of resurrection is the Lord’s consummate act of healing. Thanks to Him, each body will be restored to its proper and perfect frame.  Thanks to Him, no condition is hopeless.  Thanks to Him, brighter days are ahead, both here and hereafter.  Real joy awaits each of us—on the other side of sorrow.”16

“God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to help us.  And His Son, Jesus Christ, gave His life for us.  All so that we could have access to godly power—power sufficient to deal with the burdens, obstacles, and temptations of our day. … The more we know about the Savior’s ministry and mission—the more we understand His doctrine and what He did for us—the more we know that He can provide the power that we need for our lives.”17

“True change—permanent change—can come only through the healing, cleansing, and enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  He loves you—each of you!  He allows you to access His power as you keep His commandments, eagerly, earnestly, and exactly.  It is that simple and certain.”3

“God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but we are not.  Each day, ours is the challenge to access the power of the Atonement so that we can truly change, become more Christlike, and qualify for the gift of exaltation and live eternally with God, Jesus Christ, and our families.  For these powers, privileges, and gospel gifts, thanks be to God!  I testify that He lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that this is His Church, restored in these latter days to accomplish its divine destiny.”7

“Joy … has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation … and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives.  Joy comes from and because of Him.  He is the source of all joy. … For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy! … As our Savior becomes more and more real to us and as we plead for His joy to be given to us, our joy will increase.”18

“Central to God’s eternal plan is the mission of His Son, Jesus Christ.  He came to redeem God’s children.  Because of the Lord’s Atonement, resurrection (or immortality) became a reality.  Because of the Atonement, eternal life became a possibility for all who would qualify.”7

“The Lord’s way is the only way for us to experience enduring happiness. His way brings sustained comfort to our souls and perennial peace to our homes. And best of all, His way leads us home to Him and our Heavenly Father, to eternal life and exaltation.”3

“Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere.”10

You may remember President Nelson’s testimony last Easter, “Nothing could be more fitting than to commemorate the most important event that ever occurred on this earth by worshipping the most important being who ever walked this earth. In this, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we worship Him who commenced His infinite Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was willing to suffer for the sins and weaknesses of each of us, which suffering caused Him “to bleed at every pore.”1 He was crucified on Calvary’s cross and rose the third day as the first resurrected being of our Heavenly Father’s children.  I love Him and testify that He lives! It is He who leads and guides His Church.  Without our Redeemer’s infinite Atonement, not one of us would have hope of ever returning to our Heavenly Father. Without His Resurrection, death would be the end. Our Savior’s Atonement made eternal life a possibility and immortality a reality for all.”2 

We believe in the Holy Ghost

Each week as we partake of the sacrament, we promise to always remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. And when we do, we are promised the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  What an incredible gift! Scriptures teach us that the Holy Ghost “shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance;”19 “will guide you into all truth” and “shew you things to come;”20 “will show unto you all things what ye should do;”21 and “beareth record of the Father and of the Son.”22

President Nelson reminds us that the Holy Ghost is a personage “whose enduring influence transcends time.”23  In speaking of time, I believe he is referring to age.  To be guided by the Holy Ghost, our worthiness and willingness to be guided are what qualifies us and not the number of years we have lived.

In the worldwide youth devotional six months ago, President Nelson promised, “If you will sincerely and persistently do the spiritual work needed to develop the crucial, spiritual skill of learning how to hear the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, you will have all the direction you will ever need in your life. You will be given answers to your questions in the Lord’s own way and in His own time.”24

Addressing the women of the Church a few years ago, he said, “Sisters, do you realize the breadth and scope of your influence when you speak those things that come to your heart and mind as directed by the Spirit? … The Holy Ghost will magnify your influence in an unprecedented way!”15 

Then to the entire Church last April he declared, “The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children. … Through the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the Lord will assist us in all our righteous pursuits. … We can pray to our Heavenly Father and receive guidance and direction, be warned about dangers and distractions, and be enabled to accomplish things we simply could not do on our own.  If we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters large and small. … In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. … Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly. … The most important truth the Holy Ghost will ever witness to you is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He lives! He is our Advocate with the Father, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.”2 

President Nelson taught, “The Holy Ghost will facilitate the commitment needed for one to love God, to come unto Christ and become one of His covenant keepers.  Spiritual communication and true conversion are accomplished through the power of the Holy Ghost.”25

A testimony of these glorious truths should change how we live.  Conversion is not a one-time event.  It is something we must work on every day.  We need a testimony every day.  Some days would be impossible to bear without one.  Surely there will be a time when a firm, unshakeable testimony will be necessary to endure the “sore trials”26 of this mortal life.  That has definitely been my experience.  I know that without my testimony I would not have been able to endure the heartaches and sorrows that have come to our family.  Ten years ago when my daughter passed away was the first time in my life that I really had to put to the test what I had been taught and what I believed.  Did I really believe what I said I believed?  Yes!  As a child, I loved singing the song “I am a Child of God.”  As an adult, I love knowing that I am a child of God!   Especially during that difficult and tender time, I felt Heavenly Father’s love for me in an undeniable way!  His plan really is a plan of happiness!  The blessings of the temple are priceless!  And they are possible because of Jesus Christ.  Words are inadequate to express the sweet peace that comes from knowing that Jesus truly is my Savior!  I anxiously await the day I can kneel at His feet and thank Him for all that He has done for me!  He has healed my broken heart! Because of Him, I have had hope when all could have seemed hopeless.  Because of Him, I know joy even in the midst of sorrow.  The Holy Ghost has been my teacher and my comforter.   These are not fleeting feelings.  This is the foundation of my testimony.  It not only sustained me then but every day since.

A month ago my sweet son-in-law unexpectedly passed away.  I have been able to rely on my testimony to bring me peace “which passeth all understanding.”27  Once again I was taught by the Holy Ghost.  In my deep anguish, the words came quickly to my mind, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”28  Because I know and love my Heavenly Father and my Savior, I can trust.  I trust that Heavenly Father will always give us the strength to bear the things He asks us to bear, if we rely on Him.  I trust that the Savior will always heal our broken hearts, if we turn to Him.  His promise of peace is sure.  That peace comes through the comfort of the Holy Ghost.  I trust in the covenants we have made that bind us together as a family.  I cherish those covenants and my testimony.

I distinctly remember hearing President Nelson’s testimony as the newly called prophet.  It left a lasting impression on me.  He said, “I declare my devotion to God our Eternal Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ. I know Them, love Them, and pledge to serve Them—and you—with every remaining breath of my life.”10  May we do whatever we need to do to know Them and to love Them.  May we also pledge to serve Them and each other every day of our lives.


  1.  Gather Together In One All Things in Christ – David A. Bednar

  2.  Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives – Russell M. Nelson

  3.  Decisions for Eternity – Russell M. Nelson

  4.  How Firm Our Foundation – Russell M. Nelson

  5.  The Articles of Faith 1:1

  6.  Opening Remarks – Russell M. Nelson

  7.  Thanks be to God – Russell M. Nelson

  8.  We are Children of God – Russell M. Nelson

  9.  Be Thou an Example of the Believers – Russell M. Nelson

10.  A Message From the First Presidency – Russell M. Nelson 

11.  Covenants – Russell M. Nelson

12.  Becoming True Millennials – Russell M. Nelson

13.  Salvation and Exaltation – Russell M. Nelson

14.  Call to the Holy Apostleship – Russell M. Nelson

15.  A Plea to My Sisters – Russell M. Nelson

16.  Jesus Christ—the Master Healer – Russell M. Nelson

17.  Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ Into Our Lives – Russell M. Nelson

18.  Joy and Spiritual Survival – Russell M. Nelson

19.  John 14:26

20.  John 16:13

21.  2 Nephi 32:5

22.  Doctrine and Covenants 20:27

23.  Constancy Amid Change – Russell M. Nelson

24.  Hope of Israel – Russell M. Nelson

25.  Teachings of Russell M. Nelson, pages 65-66

26.  Did You Think to Pray? – Hymn 140

27.  Philippians 4:7

28.  Proverbs 3:5-6